from October 2015 by thread

[web-nfc] cancelPush should return Promise<void> Alexander Shalamov via GitHub (Friday, 30 October)

[web-nfc] Make NFCPushOptions optional for pushMessage Alexander Shalamov via GitHub (Friday, 30 October)

[web-nfc] Clamp NFCPushOptions.timeout and provide default values Alexander Shalamov via GitHub (Friday, 30 October)

[web-nfc] Define the same NFCMessage both for push and read Zoltan Kis via GitHub (Friday, 30 October)

[web-nfc] Handle case when NFC support is disabled Alexander Shalamov via GitHub (Friday, 30 October)

[web-nfc] Allow a NFC tap to load a URL with NFC message payload passed to the page Mark Foltz via GitHub (Wednesday, 28 October)

Re: [web-nfc] Fix #65. Improve requestAdapter() steps based on #67 discussion. Zoltan Kis via GitHub (Monday, 26 October)

[web-nfc] Provide option for suspending NFC watchers when "push a message" algorithm is not completed Alexander Shalamov via GitHub (Thursday, 22 October)

Re: [web-nfc] Fix #65 Zoltan Kis via GitHub (Thursday, 15 October)

[web-nfc] Pull Request: Fix #65 Zoltan Kis via GitHub (Thursday, 15 October)

[web-nfc] Are kind and type relevant in the filter Kenneth Rohde Christiansen via GitHub (Thursday, 15 October)

[web-nfc] Potentially abstracting the payload contents a bit more from the NDEF records and from the Web NFC Records Kenneth Rohde Christiansen via GitHub (Thursday, 15 October)

[web-nfc] Should there be two pushMessage methods or not Kenneth Rohde Christiansen via GitHub (Thursday, 15 October)

[web-nfc] NFCWatchOptions improvements Kenneth Rohde Christiansen via GitHub (Thursday, 15 October)

[web-nfc] watch API should have the options dictionary as a second parameter Kenneth Rohde Christiansen via GitHub (Thursday, 15 October)

[web-nfc] Should the NFCPushTarget dictionary member be required Kenneth Rohde Christiansen via GitHub (Thursday, 15 October)

[web-nfc] can pushMessage avoid pushing a sequence? Kenneth Rohde Christiansen via GitHub (Thursday, 15 October)

[web-nfc] Avoid resemblance with postMessage Kenneth Rohde Christiansen via GitHub (Thursday, 15 October)

[web-nfc] Consider removing .nfc namespace Kenneth Rohde Christiansen via GitHub (Thursday, 15 October)

[web-nfc] Avoid using Adapter in API Kenneth Rohde Christiansen via GitHub (Thursday, 15 October)

[web-nfc] Consider using mimeType instead of type, type for kind Kenneth Rohde Christiansen via GitHub (Thursday, 15 October)

Web NFC CG F2F meeting reminder (Monday Oct 26 at TPAC) Kostiainen, Anssi (Thursday, 15 October)

navigator.tapConnect() Anders Rundgren (Sunday, 11 October)

[web-nfc] new commits pushed by zolkis Zoltan Kis via GitHub (Thursday, 8 October)

[web-nfc] Pull Request: Improve receive steps for handling unformatted and empty tags. Zoltan Kis via GitHub (Wednesday, 7 October)

[web-nfc] new commits pushed by zolkis Zoltan Kis via GitHub (Wednesday, 7 October)

[web-nfc] Pull Request: Fix pushMessage and cancelMessage steps Zoltan Kis via GitHub (Wednesday, 7 October)

[web-nfc] new commits pushed by anssiko Anssi Kostiainen via GitHub (Wednesday, 7 October)

[web-nfc] Pull Request: Update cancelPush steps. Zoltan Kis via GitHub (Wednesday, 7 October)

[web-nfc] new commits pushed by zolkis Zoltan Kis via GitHub (Tuesday, 6 October)

Re: [web-nfc] Improvements on internal slots and algorithms. Zoltan Kis via GitHub (Tuesday, 6 October)

[web-nfc] Pull Request: Improvements on internal slots and algorithms. Zoltan Kis via GitHub (Tuesday, 6 October)

[web-nfc] TAG review Anssi Kostiainen via GitHub (Tuesday, 6 October)

[web-nfc] new commits pushed by anssiko Anssi Kostiainen via GitHub (Friday, 2 October)

Re: [web-nfc] Notification when a browsing context is closed? Mark R. James via GitHub (Friday, 2 October)

[web-nfc] Pull Request: Added section on NFCAdapter releasing. Zoltan Kis via GitHub (Thursday, 1 October)

Last message date: Friday, 30 October 2015 16:00:31 UTC