Minutes from the Web NFC F2F


The Web NFC CG and Web Bluetooth CG had a joint meeting [1] at TPAC. The minutes from the meeting are online at [2]. Note we did not capture everyone's name on the present list, so please chime in if you want to see the minutes amended with your name.

My expectation is that in the coming days the group will start to land the changes to the spec on issues that were agreed and resolved at F2F.

Thank you all for you contributions and active participation. The F2F meeting was very productive and we were able to make significant progress on the key issues. It was also a great opportunity to cross-pollinate with the Web Bluetooth CG, as well as with the wider web standards community, including Travis and Dan from the W3C's Technical Architecture Group.


-Anssi (Web NFC CG chair)

[1] https://www.w3.org/wiki/TPAC/2015/ad-hoc-meetings#Web_Bluetooth_and_Web_NFC
[2] http://www.w3.org/2015/10/26-web-bluetooth-minutes.html

Received on Tuesday, 3 November 2015 08:02:29 UTC