Re: Help on using Web NFC Api from javascript

The API isn't implemented in any browsers yet, but once it's implemented,
yes, it'll be callable from javascript. Watch for the
implementation status in Chromium.

On Fri, Oct 30, 2015 at 10:08 PM, Jasmina Desai <>

> Hi,
> I am fairly new to NFC.
> I have a requirement where I can have an Android or a Windows phone that
> will open a webpage.
> This webpage will have options to read and write NFC tags.
> On selecting any of these options, the webpage should be able to call NFC
> API directly.
> Can Web NFC API be called from javascript/HTML5?
> Regards,
> Jasmina

Received on Sunday, 1 November 2015 22:04:59 UTC