Re: [web-nfc] Will there be a way to read the NFCTag's UID?

No, I did not mean NDEF-field, I meant the low-level RFID UID. You can
 see a similar discussion on it on MSDN:
where user SgtRiggs asks for similar functionality for Windows Phone 
8. I banged my head against the wall with WP8 NFC tag APIs on that 
very same issue: no access to the tag's low-level UID.

Here's an excerpt from the MSDN discussion describing, IMHO, a valid 
reason to have access to the low-level UID:
> Without the tag's UID or ATR or chip serial number there is no way 
to detect a clone of the tag versus the original.
> This is important. The class interface is interesting but DOA for 
serious NFC use without the ability to confirm the authenticity of the
 tag the phone is reading or publishing.

GitHub Notif of comment by kontza

Received on Thursday, 11 June 2015 07:16:04 UTC