Re: [web-nfc] URL objects

> Though mimetypes are generally a pretty crappy way of exposing 
types. For exactly this reason. Lots of stuff doesn't have a mimetype.
 And lots of things have several different mimetypes.

Fully agree. And it would be pity to complicate the API because of 
insufficient coverage of MIME types.

> From a security point of view I think we can expose the low-level 
information once we know that a tag has opted in to being "secure to 
expose to the web". At least for reading.

Yes. And tags express that by being a "web-nfc" tag (contain the 
special record/ writing scope).
We will reiterate then what low-level information is worth exposing.

> If you really wanted it badly feel free to squat "text/url" and I'll
 add it to the URL Standard and deal with the IETF noise.

That would be one good solution, IMO. So the value of ```type``` would
 be a MIME type, plus "text/url" which may become a MIME type later. 
Good enough for me.

> Using kind and making it a couple special values or a MIME type 
seems the least problematic to all involved. 

Did you mean using one property like above, but instead of ```type``` 
let's call it ```kind``` and let it have MIME types plus a couple of 
special values like "url" (or even "text/url" FWIW)?
Or did you mean the additional property ```kind``` along with 
```type``` which is meant to be a standard MIME type?

GitHub Notif of comment by zolkis

Received on Thursday, 13 August 2015 06:57:54 UTC