Re: Does anyone use (or actively implement) CC/PP?


This really smells old and would expect relevant or used. But I would 
recommend to contact Spencer Dawkins ( who 
is one of the authors and also a current Area Director of the IETF 
Transport Area. I think I spotted him yesterday at the IETF meeting in 
Buenos Aires.

Best regards

On 04.04.2016 16:09, Chaals McCathie Nevile wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I am a member of the W3C Advisory Board, and we are looking through 
> old W3C Recommendations that might really be obsolete. One of the 
> candidates under consideration to be marked "this is no longer a 
> modern technology, you might want to consider something else likeā€¦" is 
> CC/PP.
> Hence the questions - does any modern project use CC/PP? Does anyone 
> actively maintain a CC/PP-based system, or know of someone who does?
> cheers
> Chaals

Received on Monday, 4 April 2016 14:25:50 UTC