Minutes for Teleconf 15 Oct 2014, was Re: Agenda for Today's call!

TOPIC: Agenda overview

In this meeting:
* Sharing URLs
* Data Info API
* Permissions Geolocation
* ServiceWorker.org

TOPIC: Sharing URLs
schuki: we've been talking to a few people about sharing URLs.
ArtB is this about or include https://github.com/google/physical-web ?
marcosc: google and mozilla are interested in trying to solve the web intents problem
... this time we want to try to do it in a way that's small and confined
... inital step is to see whether we can do url sharing
marcosc: we need to then identity the challenges
... with passing this string
marcosc: there are ui issues, security issues etc
marcosc: in mac osx and ios you can do this
... so we want to document this
... and put requirements together on how to do this
ArtB would NEVER say that ;-)
marcosc: uni of toronto student is helping us
schuki: it should be interesting see how a different approach takes shapes.
ArtB: do you see any overlap with the Google's physical Web project?  
marcosc: I've looked at it, but haven't made a strong connection to this project yet.
TOPIC: Geolocation permissions
schuki: permissions is something that obviously comes up a lot in various W3C working groups. The W3C also held a workshop about permissions. We've also talked in this group about this - but permissions are quite varied across various APIs (e.g., geo and contacts). We proposed to talk to Geolocation WG about permissions about the current limitations with Geolocation's permission model and how we might be able to address that.  
marcosc: the diagram shows a structured way of making decisions
schuki: Adrienne Porter Felt put together an interesting diagram that describes how to decide if permissions are need and at what level
chaals1 has joined (~Adium@public.cloak)
marcosc: people are welcome to come to the presentation that we gill give to the GeoWG

schuki: things we are doing at TPAC https://www.w3.org/wiki/Mobile/TPAC2014
schuki: we will be having ad hoc meetings during TPAC  
schuki: we are trying to set the agenda for the next year
schuki: and set up collaborations with other WGs
schuki: and hopefully people will see where our group sits within the W3C
schuki: web crypto are also trying to come up with a roadmap for the next - we might be able to contribute to that
s/for the next/for the next year/
schuki: Web Payments is also something we are interested in, but it's too big for our group. But we should be there.
marcosc: seems pretty unlikely that that won't have a mobile focus
FYI, Web Payments IG is meeting @ TPAC: https://www.w3.org/Payments/IG/wiki/Draft_F2F_Agenda_-_TPAC_2014_-_27/28_October_2014
ArtB wonders if there could be some value of WebApps + SysApps talking on Oct 27 or 28
marcosc: we probably should suggest SysApps be shut down
ArtB The More the Merrier!
schuki: be sure to visit as many groups as possible
schuki dicussses Wed breakout sessions
https://www.w3.org/wiki/TPAC2014/SessionIdeas -> TPAC 2014 Ideas and Proposals for the Breakout Meetings
schuki: we will be giving a talk about how we develop our use case docs. I'll be giving session about "What do you want from your Mobile Carrier?"
schuki: the focus is really about what we can provide developers
schuki: Dom is also doing a session about improving collaboration with operators
schuki: please come and find us at TPAC if you want to chat

TOPIC: Data Info API
schuki: we are trying to get input about the feasibility of this API
schuki: it's focus is just initially seeing if this can be done at a system level between the operator and browser vendors/system/OS
schuki: we've gotten positive feedback from various operators
schuki: if you are interested in helping us with this, please let me know
schuki: please do comment on it
schuki: I will bring this up also at the GSMA
marcosc: mozilla and google are looking to implement somethin
... and perhpas add to android and ffos
schuki: I'll follow up on the list + talk to operator reps that I know

TOPIC: ServiceWorker.org
schuki: I'm going to try to put this together
schuki: will collaborate with a person from FTLabs during TPAC. Please come join us!
schuki: we will be hacking on stuff
marcosc: google sent and intent to ship ^^^
schuki: what about cache API?
schuki: "Notably, the Cache API as defined in the spec is not in the subset covered by this Intent. We intend to file a separate Intent once both the blink implementation and spec have stabilized."
marcosc: my guess is that this stuff is still 1 - 1.5 years out

schuki: if you have ideas about things to work on, please let us know. Please keep them small and targeted.
schuki: please take a look at Dom's API gap document for inspiration
schuki: if you have any further ideas about TPAC, please add it to the wiki. Please feel free hold your own sessions during TPAC.
schuki: see you at TPAC

Received on Wednesday, 15 October 2014 15:04:57 UTC