Re: Standardizing "cards" as UI component?

Isn't the intent of Web Components and the like to allow frameworks
(like Polymer) to create widgets such as "cards"?

-- Mounir

On Tue, 25 Nov 2014, at 22:38, wrote:
> 24.11.2014, 17:24, "Dominique Hazael-Massieux" <>:
> > A couple of weeks ago, Nova Spivack called on TechCrunch for W3C to
> > standardize "Cards":
> >
> >
> > "Cards are modular, bite-sized content containers designed for easy
> > consumption and interaction on small screens"
> So, like combining a few webpages, a la frames? (Not WML cards, but
> something a bit moreā€¦)
> > "Standardized cards will function like a cross between a MIME
> > attachment, a page of HTML and JavaScript and applet. They will be
> > portable, interactive, programmatic content experiences. They will work
> > across apps, which will open a new era of cross-app interoperability,
> > enabling powerful new forms of sharing and productivity."
> Making them really portable means encapsulation, for script and styles.
> That's what BEM Blocks do in existing HTML, and frames did in the 90s.
> Because each frame is a page, it has HTTP transactions, metadata,
> encapsulation, and so on.
> > Does that suggestion resonate with people on this list? If a standard is
> > indeed needed, can anyone see what kind of standard it would be? (is it
> > new markup? new css properties? something else?)
> Depends. If you want to scope scripts (so they don't clash with other
> stuff) you might find it worthwhile to think of markup.
> In particular, as Marcos noted, something like iframe.
> The key is making nice controllers for iframes, so the UI for flipping
> through a bunch of things is straightforward. But frames were developed
> for this 20 years ago - if you don't need an easy declarative framework,
> bookmarking, etc, you will have open standards to do all this in 1999 -
> although it might take 15 years to get things like cross-frame messaging,
> a maybe-as-much-as-half-baked security model, etc.
> BEM shows a path toward making a declarative framework on top of this,
> rather than asking developers to make standard UI components themselves
> each time.
> But I don't see anything actually new here.
> cheers
> --
> Charles McCathie Nevile - web standards - CTO Office, Yandex
> - - - Find more at

Received on Tuesday, 25 November 2014 12:16:03 UTC