Re: Standardizing "cards" as UI component?

"Cards" in mobile? Does this sounds like WML for me or am I becoming too

Best regards,

2014-11-24 15:56 GMT+01:00 Marcos Caceres <>:

> On Monday, November 24, 2014, Dominique Hazael-Massieux <>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> A couple of weeks ago, Nova Spivack called on TechCrunch for W3C to
>> standardize "Cards":
>> "Cards are modular, bite-sized content containers designed for easy
>> consumption and interaction on small screens"
>> "Standardized cards will function like a cross between a MIME
>> attachment, a page of HTML and JavaScript and applet.
>> (Like an iframe?)
>> They will be
>> portable, interactive, programmatic content experiences. They will work
>> across apps, which will open a new era of cross-app interoperability,
>> enabling powerful new forms of sharing and productivity."
> Like, um, HTML? ;)
>> Does that suggestion resonate with people on this list? If a standard is
>> indeed needed, can anyone see what kind of standard it would be? (is it
>> new markup? new css properties? something else?)
> It sounds very confused about how one composes content. We probably just
> need to standardize snap points in CSS + Element queries. Cards are, or can
> be made from, just block level elements - and a custom element could just
> be used to encapsulate the whole thing.
> So yeah, we we need some new stuff in CSS but no new marked up.
>> Dom


[image: José Manrique López de la Fuente on]

José Manrique López de la Fuente

Received on Tuesday, 25 November 2014 09:10:11 UTC