Re: Introduction

Hi Ian, 

On May 6, 2014 at 10:57:14 AM, Maffett, Ian ( wrote:
> > Hello everyone,
> My name is Ian Maffett, and I’m a software engineer with Intel.  
> I work on the HTML5 tools team and my responsibilities vary from  
> native container code, server side code, and JS frameworks.  
> Since 2010, I’ve been focusing mainly on hybrid applications  
> and performance on the client side. Like many others, I joined  
> WebMob to help bridge the performance gap in browser and hybrid  
> applications. I’m hoping to see the group help the mobile browser  
> platform more rapidly adopt new features and technology that  
> exists in desktop and W3C standards.

Welcome to the group! We currently have 3 activities running: 

1. Build some ServiceWorker sample apps: we aim to "take ServiceWorkers for a spin" and see if we can identify some issues that would affect performance or other things on mobile.

2. Canonical orientation: orientation on the platform is a total mess - implementations on mobile are even worst: no one seems to agree what is "up" and the APIs are totally confusing ("-180" is not a helpful angle, dammit!:)). We aim to see if we can consolidate all the specs and come up with some sane definition of orientation on the platform. We are just about to start this work.

3. Installable web apps: the web lacks a means that allows web applications to be installed on a user's device. This relegates web applications to be second-class citizens on mobile devices. Using hard data, this activity tries to tease out the use cases and requirements for installable web apps. These requirements are informing the standardization of the WebAppsWG's manifest format [1].

If you want to be involved in any of the above, send me your GitHub username and I can add you as a contributor. You can also subscribe to any of the repos above on GitHub to receive updates (or fork at your leisure). 

Hope you can help out! 

Kind regards,

Received on Wednesday, 7 May 2014 15:41:44 UTC