Re: Cordova alignment: vibration

On June 2, 2014 at 9:41:37 AM, Dominique Hazael-Massieux ( wrote:
> Hi,
> I chatted earlier today with Lisa Seacat DeLuca, who is both member of
> this group and has committer privileges in Cordova, about our goals of
> aligning Cordova APIs with W3C specs, as discussed previously [1].
> We agreed we would start with a "simple" and stable W3C API to pave the
> way on how we would align other APIs, and picked Vibration as a
> reasonable candidate for this.
> This is just a heads-up for now; we'll report when we make more
> significant progress, esp. when there are opportunities for others to
> help in the process.

How do you envision the process playing out? Would Cordoba move towards the W3C spec or the other way around? something else? 

Received on Wednesday, 4 June 2014 21:23:08 UTC