Re: Firefox OS Permissions

Who else is at MWC?  Intel (me) is doing WebRTC demos in a restricted access area, but I think we have walk-ins from 5-7pm, I need to check.

I'd like to shake hands, Natasha, if we can meet.

Chris Cavigioli +1-415-254-4545

On Feb 23, 2014, at 19:18, "Natasha Rooney" <<>> wrote:

Hey guys!

I was lucky enough to go along to the FirefoxOS event at mobile world congress tonight. I checked out some of the new devices and the apps running on them. One of the most interesting things was how the OS manages permissions. Inside of ‘settings’ the user can see a list of every app. When the app is selected the user can see the app author (this satisfies some regional legal requirements) and a list of each permission the app is using. The user can then select ‘ask’, ‘deny’ or ‘grant’ for each permission. Below are links to tweets with pictures. I liked the solution a lot, and would love to know what you guys think!


Natasha Rooney | Web Technologist | GSMA |<> | +44 (0) 7730 219 765 | @thisNatasha | Skype:<>
7th Floor, 5 New Street Square, London EC4A 3BF

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