Fwd: [Agenda] WebMob Weds 2013-09-25 14:00 UTC - Inaugural Webmob Telecon

A reminder that this call will take place in 30 mins … looking forward to it!


Begin forwarded message:

> Resent-From: public-web-mobile@w3.org
> From: Jo Rabin <jo@linguafranca.org>
> Subject: [Agenda] WebMob Weds 2013-09-25 14:00 UTC - Inaugural Webmob Telecon
> Date: 18 September 2013 20:17:16 BST
> To: Web and Mobile IG <public-web-mobile@w3.org>
> With many thanks to those who participated in the poll regarding the time of the meeting, we have a result!
> "Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." Henry Ford
> Agenda
> ------
> Meeting Chair: Jo
> Team Contact: Dom
> Scribe: TBD
> 1. Welcome
> Welcome to the group from the group co-chairs.
> 2. Introduction of the goals of the IG 
> A discussion of why we are here. Led by Jo.
> 3.  Modus Operandi
> How we are going to do our business
> - mailing list
> 	the main vehicle for communication
> - tracker
> 	a place to keep our actions, issues etc - teleconference
> 	like this, how often and when?
> - face to face
> 	how often and when
> - github
> 	a place to do the editing of our outputs
> 	discussion led by Marcos
> 4. The TPAC F2F
> There will be a W3C meeting in China (Shenzhen) and we plan to meet at the end of the week, Thu and Fri, 14 and 15 Nov. 
> Discussion of agenda led by Natasha.
> 5. "Closing the Gap" report
> DIscussion of the output of this W3C Initiative led by Dom
> 6. Standards for Web on mobile roadmap
> This incredibly valuable report published to date by Dom needs to be owned by this group. 
> Discussion led by Dom.
> http://www.w3.org/Mobile/mobile-web-app-state/
> 7. AOB
> Logistics
> ---------
> Date: 2013-09-25T1400Z - For your local time: http://j.mp/webmob-2013-09-25
> Please join both by voice and on IRC 
> Phone: sip:zakim@voip.w3.org  tel:+16177616200 
> After connecting enter code 932662 ("WEBMOB") followed by #
> IRC via Web: http://irc.w3.org - Enter channel #webmob 
> IRC client: irc://irc.w3.org:6665#webmob

Received on Wednesday, 25 September 2013 13:30:48 UTC