Re: [admin] Tracker vs. Github

Hi Art,  

On Monday, September 16, 2013 at 1:58 PM, Arthur Barstow wrote:

> It appears this group will use Tracker (presumably for things like 
> Actions and Issues) and also Github so I think it would be useful to 
> clarify when each of these services will be used.

I think we will use tracker for administrative stuff - but GH issues for spec/doc bugs as well as other, um, "real work".  
> Does this group's use of GH mean the group will not use the W3C's wiki?

The Chairs had a call about this and decided that we will use the W3C wiki (GH lacks organization-level wikis, which sucks). 

The (currently empty) wiki is here:

Let us know what you would like to see there (otherwise, I'm just going to copy much of the WebApps WG structure - which has worked well in the past ;) )


Marcos Caceres

Received on Tuesday, 17 September 2013 10:58:08 UTC