Re: Introduction

On Monday, September 16, 2013 at 4:59 PM, Mete Balcı wrote:

> Hello Marcos,
> I have summarized below the major reasons I can think of now. Maybe/probably some of them are not exactly valid with new devices/browsers/standards, but please keep in mind I am involved with native app development since j2me times when there were no iOS/Android, so I look from an historical perspective also.
> - Performance of apps running in browsers were/are not satisfactory. I still see even the major sites/hybrid apps suffer from this (e.g. linkedin android app). Since the native apps are so widespread, it is not acceptable to have something worse (e.g. who prefers using twitter on browser vs. twitter ios/android app). I believe this is mostly not a technical problem of current standards with new devices, but it is not easy to develop something comparable to native apps. Even if you develop something average on native, it looks and responds better than many web apps.

Agreed. Making use of hardware accelerated CSS, etc. is non-trivial/not well understood.   

> - Native platforms always provide some features that are not accessible from web apps, such as better animation support, push notifs, nfc, bt low energy or low level system/security/crypto specific APIs. I know some/all of these topics are currently being studied in multiple W3C WGs.
> By the way, we are not developing games, audio/camera/video heavy entertainment apps or apps with in-app purchase capabilities, so I do not consider specific issues in such apps.

And there are plenty, I'm sure.  
> Mete
> PS: I gave linkedin and twitter examples for the sake of clarification. I enjoy and use both sites/apps heavily.
This was helpful. Thank you!!!  

Received on Monday, 16 September 2013 16:21:44 UTC