Re: Web/Native: gap analysis

On Wednesday, October 23, 2013 at 2:51 PM, Bruce Lawson wrote:

> On Mon, 14 Oct 2013 13:30:19 +0100, Bruce Lawson < (>  
> wrote:
> > IMO these are the immediate priorities, so we don't spread ourselves too  
> > thin. They also appear to have the most developer and implementer  
> > traction behind them, so appear a good start
> >  
> > 1) Service Workers are being implemented in Blink and Gecko
> >  
> > 2) Bookmarking - aka application shortcuts - are implemented in various  
> > browsers and OSs. Now's the time to push for standardisation
> >  
> > 3) Permissions are being debated at the moment.
> >  
> > Let's start with these.
> replying to myself is wierd, but i've been thinking deeper. The three  
> things above are already known problems and are already being looked at by  
> other groups. So, while it's important that we document these as part of  
> the list of Stuff That Makes People Write Apps Not Web, I don't there's  
> much that this group can add to others' on-going efforts.

Sorry Bruce, but I have to disagree. I’m not saying we can do better, but last time we turned our backs on this stuff we ended up with AppCache, IDB, and a whole bunch of shitty APIs. Can’t afford to just say “oh, don’t worry! those guys will handle it” again. Fool me once, and all that - we gotta be all over that stuff *early* making sure it’s done right(tm).     
> Something that I hear a lot about, but haven't seen documented in-depth,  
> is the UX gap (as opposed to the feature gap above). Why do consumers like  
> native apps more? (or, indeed, do they?). What is missing from the UX of  
> web? For example, if a site has swipe gestures to go from one page to  
> another, how do users on non-touch devices navigate? If the developer adds  
> next and back buttons, they are superfluous (arguably) on swipe-able sites  
> and their superfluity (arguably) detracts from UX as "it doesn't feel  
> native".
> Should we document the UX gap and see how that could manifest itself as  
> CSS/ JS specs?

Yes, this was raised on separate thread also. See:

I’ve yet to respond to that thread separately.   

Marcos Caceres

Received on Wednesday, 23 October 2013 14:04:15 UTC