Re: How can HTML5 compete with Native?

On 22/10/2013 10:10, Dimitris Michalakos wrote:
> Panagiotis Astithas from Mozilla Dev tools suggested creating a Debug
> API. I think this is similar to what you say. If such a thing existed
> then third party vendors could hook their tools to browsers and
> competition would drive innovation.

The problem with that is the pervasive "not invented here" attitude I 
found amongst browser vendors. Opera Dragonfly was the first to offer 
remote debugging and proposed a unified protocol for debugging ... 
sadly, other browsers showed very little interest and instead went their 
own separate ways to build something similar but different.

A lot of movement is happening on the Chrome/DevTools side of things, 
though. Just the other day I came across 
showing different tools/IDEs/text editors integrating with DevTools (via

I'm guessing that, at least theoretically, the same could be done for 
Mozilla's debugging approach (which I seem to remember is fairly 
similar, in approach/structure, to what Chrome offers).

On a more general note...maybe I'm just splitting semantic hairs here 
(and I'm known to do that), but perhaps the discussion should be 
reframed slightly. "How can HTML5 compete with Native?" is a loaded 
question, implying that Native has an advantage, that HTML5 needs to 
necessarily compete with Native, and that HTML5 needs to catch up with 
Native. Now, for some aspects, this may well be true...however, framing 
it this way could end up being quite limiting. Instead a more "What 
aspects of Native app platforms/development would be beneficial for the 
HTML5 platform/development workflow" seems a less loaded approach (or 
maybe I'm just a hippy).

Patrick H. Lauke
re·dux (adj.): brought back; returned. used postpositively
[latin : re-, re- + dux, leader; see duke.] | |
twitter: @patrick_h_lauke | skype: patrick_h_lauke

Received on Tuesday, 22 October 2013 09:22:20 UTC