Re: Mobile, Web and Security

On Friday, October 18, 2013 at 9:51 AM, Dominique Hazael-Massieux wrote:
> Le jeudi 17 octobre 2013 à 13:03 +0100, Bruce Lawson a écrit :
> > > * difficulty to hide the code of the app (and thus greater exposure to
> > > attacks)
> >  
> > Hiding source code feels like a mistake to me. It's literally security  
> > through obscurity, so shouldn't be encouraged at all
> I think there are 3 things people mean by "hiding the code":
> * they don't want others to steal their code; people often qualify this
> as meaning the Web force you to do open source (although that's a
> mischaracterization of what open source is)
> * they don't want to make it easy for others to find holes in their code
> * it's nearly impossible to embed a secret (e.g. a key) in the
> client-side part of the code

1. is already handled by copyright laws and patents,
2. is a known bad-practice and shouldn't be encouraged,
3. is (or should be) in scope of the WebCrypto WG.

So as Dom said, 1 and 2 require education and 3 driving this as a priority in the WebCrypto WG.



Received on Friday, 18 October 2013 08:03:01 UTC