September 2013 edition of Standards for Web Applications on Mobile: current state and roadmap


I've just released the latest iteration of my quarterly overview of W3C
technologies that increase the capabilities of Web apps with special
relevance on mobile:

It highlights in particular the changes over the past 3 months in the
Web platform (on responsive images, resource priorities, performant
scrolling and many other).

The document itself features a new data point: for each spec it
describes, it shows the recent editing activity on the editors draft,
based on the commits made in the relevant version control system.

As I have mentioned before, my intent is that the next edition of this
document (scheduled for the end of this year) be done as a deliverable
of this group. I will introduce what this would entail in the upcoming
few weeks.


Received on Tuesday, 1 October 2013 12:38:02 UTC