Re: inline declarative manifest, was Re: New manifest spec - ready for FPWD?

On 9 December 2013 09:33:47 Yoav Weiss <> wrote:

> IMO, it might be better not to define an explicit way to inline the
> manifest, and let authors simply use data URIs to do that, if they see such
> a need.
> e.g.  <link rel=manifest href="data:application/manifest+json,{ ... }">
> If this becomes a common authoring pattern, an explicit mechanism might be
> a good fit. Otherwise, there may not be a need.

My suggestion is to define manifest in terms of  <meta> and <link> elements 
whenever possible (e.g. manifest "name" duplicates meta "application-name" 
defined in HTML and there are other overlapping meta tags and link relations).

This will reduce spec duplication/overlap/conflicts and at the same time 
provide basic "inline manifest" equivalent and gradual migration path for 
pages that currently use meta tags (if author decides that their meta tags 
take too much space they can migrate the tags to an external manifest).

Here's bug for this:

regards, Kornel

Received on Monday, 9 December 2013 11:08:42 UTC