Re: Declarative invocation


The code isn't complete (the activity does not terminate), but when teaching myself a little
about WebIntents I began a demo WebIntent that mirrors Android's Preferences intent. This is
one specific declarative UI, a menu of options that a user can set, and I thought the idea
of a WebIntent with different handlers for that menu would be awesome- navigate to any web
site, and your UA can be the one to present the websites configuration to you.

The code was a weekend experiment and ran out of steam, my energy went elsewhere- to my
recall, it rendered the menu fine, but I hadn't actually written the code for the activity
to terminate & return to the calling page the resulting preferences.

But it's still an example of exactly what you are talking about.

Most credit is due Android, specifically , for
it's declarative schema which I used.


(please pardon the extreme asynchronousness of this post.)

On Sun, Dec 09, 2012 at 03:45:14AM +0000, Fred Andrews wrote:
>    Web Intents would appear to be well suited to supporting rich interactive
>    UI via apps in webpages without Javascript enabled. This requires a
>    declarative invocation specification.
>    For example, editing a textbox, or filling a contact input form, providing
>    an image input blob, social share widgets, etc.
>    It might be useful to allow input forms to be marked up with Web Intent
>    inputs and result outputs plus the intent action and type.  Web browser
>    might be able to guess or remember appropriate intents to use for input
>    forms even on pages not marked up for this.  For example, a wikimedia
>    textbox for which the user can choose a rich app to edit or generate
>    content.
>    A new fallback element might also be handy, for example if a browser does
>    not support declarative web intents then this element could include a
>    default html editor for a text/html textbox, or include a group of popular
>    social widgets for sharing.  This might work in a similar way to the
>    <noscript> element, or might be the body of a web intent invocation
>    element for which the body is ignored if web intents are enabled.
>    Declarative invocation might also be easier for web authors.
>    There appears to be potential for helping users that choose to only enable
>    javascript on trusted webpages because the user would gain the choice of
>    using a rich app from a trusted website to perform some common tasks.
>    cheers
>    Fred

Received on Monday, 11 February 2013 17:48:55 UTC