WebApps' Web Intents agenda item on Oct 30

Hi All,

Frederick asked me about my expectations for WebApps' Web  Intents  
#agenda topic on October 30 (16:45-17:45). This topic is currently noted 
in the agenda as "Web Intents: update, status, plans, Q&A with Web 
Intents Task Force members. Lead: James Hawkins, Greg Billock. (May have 
remote participants e.g. Paul Kinlan)".

Web Intents is identified in WebApps' #charter as a joint deliverable 
with  DAP.  As such, decisions such as TR publications are made by 
WebApps' entire WG and not just those members that participate in the 
Web Intents Task Force. TheOctober 30 discussion is _not_ a meeting of 
the WI Task Force, however, my understanding is the WI TF  is meeting 
during some part of DAP's Nov 1-2 meeting.

Anyhow, during WebApps' May 2012 f2f meeting, we had an agenda slot for 
Web Intents and Paul and Greg did a great job introducing WI, answering 
Qs and even gave ademo (#minutes). My  expectation  for the Oct 30 
discussion is the time will be used similarly.

-Thanks, AB

#charter <http://www.w3.org/2012/03/webapps-proposed-charter.html>
#minutes <http://www.w3.org/2012/05/01-webapps-minutes.html#item05>

Received on Saturday, 27 October 2012 12:57:38 UTC