Re: Web Intents based APIs

On Jun 1, 2012, at 19:12 , Paul Kinlan wrote:
> The original thought was that the url in the action SHOULD point to the detailed documetation/specification for the usage of that action and data.

Yes, that's definitely valuable. It's otherwise known as the "follow your nose" approach since given any such code you can directly find the documentation for it.

> My question is for all types that are under the namespace do you want the process to be managed by the W3C under this group? or outside?

These types are very core to Intents, as such I have to say that I have concerns over them not being maintained by W3C. This is not about turf (I couldn't care less) or trust (I don't trust anyone anyway ;-) but rather because W3C makes a number of commitments about the persistence of its specifications (and all documents directly relevant to them). I think that it would make a lot of sense for the specification and the primary types to be controlled by the same entity.

Right now is owned by Topicala Ltd from Litherland. Imagine that tomorrow I become filthy rich, buy Topicala, and decide that "pick" cannot be used to select pictures of kittens because I enjoy using my newfound wealth to bring misery to the world. Ok so it won't break the Web, but it would create some confusion. Perhaps more to the point, will it still be around in a couple centuries?

How amenable would people here be to using* and* for common, W3C-standardised types and actions (they're even shorter than :)? If you all like those, I can't promise that W3C will allocate those (they can be a bit *cough* annoying with URI minting) but I can promise that I will mount a campaign of W3C management pestering to obtain them that will make Céline Dion karaoke a relief in contrast.

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Received on Wednesday, 20 June 2012 15:49:05 UTC