"discovery api" shim using chrome extension

Hi all,

I'm now developing "discovery api[1]" shim using chrome extension's
"raw socket api" [2].
The current version of shim is roughly implemented and only support
UPnP M-SEARCH (it means mDNS and white-list xhr features aren't
implemented yet).

Here is a repository fot it :

Here is a demo site to check UPnP device via "discovery api" (M-SEARCH).
  http://upnp.komasshu.info/ (installation of the extension is required)

Please note that to try this extension and shim, specific version of Chromium
is required(I found r148782 works well). Because current Canary
and Dev channel doesn't support "raw socket api". I'm not sure the reason why,
but I guess it is due to the fact that this api is "moving out of

I hope this library helps the progress of WI + SD works. I'll be appreciate
if I could have any comments and feedbacks :)

[1] http://people.opera.com/richt/release/specs/discovery/Overview.html
[2] http://code.google.com/chrome/extensions/trunk/socket.html
[3] http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=130379&q=socket+experimental&colspec=ID+Pri+Mstone+ReleaseBlock+OS+Area+Feature+Status+Owner+Summary

Kensaku Komatsu
NTT Communications

Received on Thursday, 2 August 2012 06:17:43 UTC