Re: Is discovery good enough for wider use cases

On Apr 16, 2012, at 4:48 PM, Greg Billock <> wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 4:14 PM, Charles Pritchard <> wrote:
>> I'm a little worried about the Intent constructor growing any further.
> :-) Yes. These parameters wouldn't go on the constructor, they'd be
> part of the object literal usage. I'm inclined at this point to say we
> should go with just the object literal constructor at first, and then
> "pave the cowpaths" if there's a reason to make it a bit easier to do
> some particularly common use cases.

Yeah, the constructor is packed. We may have to just go with object literal notation. Quite a large method call we've built up here.

>> Seems like "explicit" and "suggested" could both use the same method though,
>> where-ever we stick it.
> Right. The hunch is that "service" could mean both. The thing is, for
> explicit intents, we want to be able to create a much stronger
> expectation for the developer that exactly the service they call is
> being used. For "suggestions," we want to create a quite weak
> expectation -- "use these if nothing else gets picked" kind of thing,
> which is really important for developers to be sure that users won't
> get dumped into a dead end empty selection mechanism.
> I suspect that a really consolidated rule, like "if there's only one
> service, be explicit, if there's more than one, they're suggestions",
> would be too confusing -- that's pretty different behavior that is
> really hard to understand from inspection! :-)

What about just having "implicit" and "explicit" as literal names? Those don't feel quite right, but something will.

I guess they'd just take an array of urls.

Or explicit would just take one.

Explicit seems like deny all, allow x. Vs suggestions which are include x, allow all.

>> I've not heard a call out for it, but what if you wanted to have multiple
>> "explicit" services?
>> Let's say I -only- want to allow posting to two locations, but the user can
>> choose which one.
> This is pretty easy for the client to do using its own UI: e.g. have
> two controls, and if the user select service A, launch that, and for
> service B, launch the other. That's one of the key reasons we think
> explicit intents are really important: they let web content
> essentially provide its own picker.

Sure. That's exactly what I'd use in one of my apps. I was just thinking aloud of how I might push that UI selector onto the UA.

Well, I hope we're covering the use cases Josh brought up.

>> That's the same construct as setting the default/suggestions, except that
>> explicit limits the picker, whereas suggestions allows additional options.
>> It may be convoluted...
>> But anyway, I agree: suggestedServices would work for setting an explicit or
>> defaults/suggestions, given a simple toggle.
>> -Charles

Received on Tuesday, 17 April 2012 00:07:48 UTC