RE: Issues in WADL stylesheet when referencing faults or methods

I'm having the same problem, and if it helps I'll describe the use case
I'm working with. One of my resource types allows resources to be
identified under three different URI templates. I don't want to have to
repeat the entire resource definition for each URI, so I'm using the
same type attribute on three different resource elements, each of which
has a different path attribute and different param children.


<resource path="root">
    <resource path="first/{firstcode}" type="mytype">
        <param name="firstcode" style="template"/>
    <resource path="second/{secondcode}" type="mytype">
        <param name="secondcode" style="template"/>
    <resource path="third/{thirdcode}" type="mytype">
        <param name="thirdcode" style="template"/>

<resource_type id="mytype">

This should allow a particular resource, whose type is "mytype", to be
available under /root/first/abc, /root/second/123, and /root/third/xyz,
assuming that the service understands that all three refer to the same
resource. Other resources in my system will link to "mytype" resources
using whichever URI is most convienient/available.

Thanks for your help!

Douglas Webb

Received on Tuesday, 27 January 2009 07:30:07 UTC