Web Bluetooth API - Connect PWA with already paired BLE device


I have a question regarding the Web Bluetooth API.
Currently I am developing a Progressive Web App for surveying. For the implementation we would like to connect our Android device with an antenna.
We tried to build up a connection, but since all antennas have a different UUID we couldn't achieve it with navigator.bluetooth.requestDevice() (as described here https://developer.chrome.com/blog/serial-over-bluetooth?hl=en).

We researched on how other surveying apps (all of them are native apps) achieve a connection via Bluetooth. They can look overall for BT devices, but native apps also support to connect with already paired devices. So when I pair my Android phone with a device beforehand and then open the native app, the BT device is found and I can connect.

We also tried the way described here https://developer.chrome.com/docs/capabilities/bluetooth?hl=en, but unfortunately the antenna we would like to connect wasn't found. Probably because it does not support BT Classic, but only BLE.

Now my question would be:
Is there a way to connect a BLE device with my Android phone and furthermore use it in my PWA like in the second link above?

Kind regards!

Received on Monday, 22 January 2024 15:48:10 UTC