Re: Web bluetooth and chrome extension ?

I've just added a comment at
TLDR; You can try opening a tab at
chrome-extension://<extension_id>/page.html to play with Web Bluetooth for

On Fri, Aug 12, 2016 at 7:45 AM Olivier Gillot <> wrote:

> In my context, Ble connexion is initiated by the user in extension popup
> and made between background page and user smartphone (with a private
> service uuid). The goal is to maintain the connection active as long as the
> user works on its computer or manually disconnect.
> Device chooser may be lock due to background process ...
> Le 12/08/2016 à 04:00, Vincent Scheib a écrit :
> Regarding  "Will it be a possible production use case as there is no https
> ?":
> We did test with an extension page,
> e.g. chrome-extension://aihpiglmnhnhijdnjghpfnlledckhpig/example.html and
> the device chooser works - the origin is considered secure.
> I don't expect that injecting behavior into a HTTP page will work. Do you
> expect to do that and think that it should work?
> Do you have other locations you are concerned will not have access?
> On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 8:32 AM, François Beaufort 🇫🇷 <
>> wrote:
>> Once we get a crash ID, we'll be able to help you for sure.
>> Pas de souci ;)
>> On Thu, Aug 11, 2016, 5:30 PM Olivier Gillot <> wrote:
>>> François,
>>> I've tested with canary update, and the crash persist. In chromium os
>>> (cloudready release), everithing works fine except devices popup chooser
>>> doesn't appear.
>>> I've just fill a bug.
>>> Merci pour ta réactivité :)
>>> Olivier
>>> Le 11/08/2016 à 09:12, François Beaufort 🇫🇷 a écrit :
>>> Hello Olivier,
>>> Can you reproduce this crash with Chrome Canary for Mac?
>>> If so. please file a bug at
>>> .
>>> You should *now* see a Bluetooth chooser, not a crash ;)
>>> Thank you,
>>> Francois.
>>> On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 8:41 AM Olivier Gillot <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I try to use webbluetooth from a chrome extension.
>>>> Will it be a possible production use case as there is no https ?
>>>> Everything was working well on chromebook and mac, except that the
>>>> devices popup chooser wasn't shown (first filtered device was selected by
>>>> default). Now, with last chrome's update, the browser crash when calling
>>>> requestDevice. I'm investigating why ...
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Olivier

Received on Friday, 12 August 2016 07:18:28 UTC