Re: is Web Bluetooth based p2p possible?

Web Bluetooth is currently specifying a central role, connecting to other
peripherals. Scanning for advertisements
<> is newly
specified, but will likely come later in implementations. Enabling a Web
App to be a peripheral is a natural extension as well.

Yes, that would enable great peer to peer scenarios where one user can
cause their device to advertise services, and other users can connect to

On Mon, Aug 1, 2016 at 10:41 PM, Mason <> wrote:

> This may be the wrong place to ask this, but is there any reasonable way
> to get some kind of web bluetooth based p2p going?  I mean like so that
> people on laptops physically near each other could communicate through some
> kind of single-page app or whatnot.  Or is this crazy talk?

Received on Tuesday, 2 August 2016 23:23:50 UTC