Re: Automotive use-cases for bluetooth

1) No. This depends on the implementation of User Agent. Currently web-bluetooth API mainly targets BLE GATT API
2) connect() refers to BLE GATT client outgoing connect, not related to HFP/A2DP profiles connection. HFP/A2DP is out-of-scope.
3) The proposal only defines BLE GATT client API, so AVRCP API is out-of-scope.

----- 原始郵件 -----
寄件者: "Kevron Rees" <>
寄件備份: 2014 11 月 4 星期二 上午 8:20:31
主旨: Automotive use-cases for bluetooth

I'm working with the W3C automotive business group and have been
assigned to look at bluetooth APIs to see whether or not automotive
use-cases are covered.  After looking at the specification you have
produced, I have a few questions:

1) It is not clear whether or not the API includes the ability to pair devices.

2) the bluetooth device API has a generic "connect()" API.  It is not
clear to me which profiles will be connected when this method is
called.  In automotive, the headunit usually assumes the A2DP "sink"
role.  Sound is routed from the other device to the head unit's sound
system.  If connect() is called from a mobile phone, will the right
A2DP profile be connected as well as HFP, AVRCP, etc?

3) AVRCP API.  Many mobile devices expose AVRCP.  This allows mobile
media devices to be controlled from the vehicle headunit.  Is there a
planned API to cover this use-case?


Received on Tuesday, 4 November 2014 06:34:29 UTC