[web-bluetooth] Can bluetooth objects be used after their originating document is refreshed? (#428)
[web-bluetooth] Cannot interact with non-GUI HID interface (#393)
[web-bluetooth] Clarify getAvailability for BT radio powered state (#443)
[web-bluetooth] Clarify getAvailability()'s behavior on powered off adapters (#441)
[web-bluetooth] does web-bluetooth support ble mesh? (#445)
[web-bluetooth] Enforce a maximum length on writes (#44)
[web-bluetooth] Is it possible to connect two web pages on two different devices using Web Bluetooth? (#438)
[web-bluetooth] new commits pushed by jyasskin
[web-bluetooth] Pull Request: Clarify getAvailability for BT radio powered state
[web-bluetooth] Support for Bluetooth Mesh (#445)
[web-bluetooth] Web Bluetooth with a Custom GATT Service? (#444)
[web-bluetooth] Write characterisctic to raspberry pi fails (#442)
Closed: [web-bluetooth] Clarify getAvailability()'s behavior on powered off adapters (#441)
Closed: [web-bluetooth] Write characterisctic to raspberry pi fails (#442)
Last message date: Sunday, 30 June 2019 07:11:43 UTC