Re: [web-bluetooth] Discover "non-discoverable" beacons

@jhedberg pointed out on #bluez-users that the Discoverable flag seems
 to be used when a peripheral wants to create a long-term relationship
 with a central, while it tends to be un-set when a peripheral or 
broadcaster just wants to send information. That implies that 
`requestDevice()` should check for the Discoverable flag, but 
`requestLEScan()` shouldn't.

We can't implement that distinction on any platform except BlueZ as 
far as I can see, and we probably want the smaller BlueZ platform to 
match the larger Android and iOS platforms for compatibility. So the 
spec may wind up having a Note about the ideal situation while 
specifying something less ideal.

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Received on Monday, 25 July 2016 19:05:04 UTC