- From: Rob Moran via GitHub <sysbot+gh@w3.org>
- Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2016 10:44:51 +0000
- To: public-web-bluetooth-log@w3.org
I agree with @scheib, assuming the ```gattserverdisconnected``` event is fired in all cases, I can't think of a use case when the user/developer needs to know why the disconnection happened. For the DFU case, the disconnect is part of the process so won't come as an unexpected event, being considered in the flow of the code. Is there a possibility here that multiple ```gattserverdisconnected``` events are raised due to different reasons? -- GitHub Notification of comment by thegecko Please view or discuss this issue at https://github.com/WebBluetoothCG/web-bluetooth/issues/215#issuecomment-188722150 using your GitHub account
Received on Thursday, 25 February 2016 10:44:54 UTC