Re: [web-bluetooth] Check if Android exposes servicechanged; if not, consider exposing re-discover function

According to

> a) when not bonded - android should never cache services if such 
characteristic is present in Generic Attribute service. However it 
always does - this is the Android bug, reported here:

> b) when bonded - a device may enable CCCD indications on Service 
Changed char. Whenever Android receives this indication it will 
perform service rediscovery automatically. When writing Android code 
make sure that you give ~2 sec after you get 
onConnectionStateChange(Connected) event before calling 
gatt.discoverServices() when you expect that the indication may be 
received. If you call it immediately, inside the onConnStateCh 
callback, you'll get old services as this callback is called 
immediately when you connect but before the bond has been 
re-established and the indication was sent.

GitHub Notif of comment by beaufortfrancois

Received on Tuesday, 27 October 2015 10:05:09 UTC