Re: [web-bluetooth] Blacklisting various services, characteristics, and descriptors.

We probably need to have an updatable list of blacklisted things, to 
handle new manufacturers that allocate UUIDs that have security 
problems if they're accessed from the web. I'm in the process of 
sending a New Work Proposal to the BT SIG to have them maintain a list
 like this, but until that winds its way through the process, 
@slightlyoff suggested we pick a quick-and-dirty location for the 

How about a new git repository named something like with a text file in it 
for each blacklist? We can hand that list over to a more official 
place whenever we pick the right official place.

GitHub Notif of comment by jyasskin

Received on Friday, 29 May 2015 20:52:02 UTC