FW: Accessible Platform Architectures WG, Timed Text WG, Media and Entertainment IG Joint Meeting



* Regulations.
* Symbols in media chapter titles (relates to work coming from the Adapt TF).
* Update on [Immersive Captions](https://www.w3.org/community/reports/immersive-captions/CG-FINAL-360-captions-20240412/)
  - Enquiry into collaboration between the Media group and Immersive Web.
* Funding MAUR 2.
* Checking in on our current and foreseen collaboration process.

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Meeting ID: 567 573 4417
Passcode: 2024
From: Gregorio Pellegrino - Fondazione LIA
Sent: Thursday, September 5, 2024 2:41:46 PM
Cc: Media and Entertainment Interest Group; Timed Text Working Group; Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group
Subject: Accessible Platform Architectures WG, Timed Text WG, Media and Entertainment IG Joint Meeting
When: Friday, September 27, 2024 6:00 PM-7:30 PM.



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