from August 2024 by thread

Weekly github digest (Media & Entertainment IG repos) W3C Webmaster via GitHub API (Tuesday, 27 August)

Event Updated: W3C Media & Entertainment IG meeting Chris Needham (W3C Calendar) (Monday, 26 August)

Re: [media-and-entertainment] Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA) (#78) Chris Needham via GitHub (Thursday, 22 August)

Minutes from MEIG meeting 20 August 2024 Chris Needham (Wednesday, 21 August)

The Future of Charitable Telethons Adam Sobieski (Sunday, 11 August)

Event Invitation: W3C Media & Entertainment IG meeting Chris Needham (W3C Calendar) (Monday, 5 August)

Event Invitation: W3C Media & Entertainment IG meeting Chris Needham (W3C Calendar) (Monday, 5 August)

Upcoming MEIG meetings Chris Needham (Friday, 2 August)

Last message date: Tuesday, 27 August 2024 17:00:26 UTC