Re: [media-and-entertainment] TPAC 2022 planning (#83)

Here's our current plan for TPAC 2022. We'll update this issue to develop the agenda and confirm meeting times.

- MEIG Meeting 1 (2 hours, Europe friendly meeting time)
  - Agenda TBC
  - (May include joint meetings with external groups such as CTA WAVE)
- MEIG Meeting 2 (2 hours, Asia friendly meeting time)
  - Agenda TBC
  - (May include joint meeting with external groups such IPTV Forum Japan)
- Joint meeting with Media WG (1 hour)
  - DataCue status and next steps
- Joint meeting with Timed Text WG (1 hour)
  - Agenda TBC

In addition to MEIG meetings, there will be a Media WG meeting, and a joint meeting between Media WG and WebRTC WG.

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