TPAC meetings and registration

Dear all,

I recently posted calendar invites for the MEIG meetings for TPAC 2021 (18 October - 29 October). Registration to join TPAC meetings is required. Please register at:

Our group has two meetings:

* Web app performance on TV devices / Industry updates (25 October 2021, 14:00 - 16:00 UTC)

* IPTV Forum Japan Hybridcast Update / Media Timed Events (27 October 2021, 05:00 - 06:00 UTC)

You can see the full TPAC schedule here:

TPAC this year includes meetings of a number of media related groups - including many that we've heard from in previous MEIG meetings:

* WebRTC WG, Media WG, and Audio WG joint meeting
* Multicast CG
* Immersive Captions CG
* Audio WG
* Second Screen WG
* Web of Things WG
* Web & Networks IG

We look forward to seeing you at TPAC.

Many thanks,

Chris (for the MEIG co-chairs)

Received on Friday, 15 October 2021 16:28:54 UTC