Re: Change of chair - was (Re: Media & Entertainment Interest Group Charter Extended until 2021-05-31)

Nice to meet you, Christopher. I’m happy with you and I'm looking forward to next meeting.

And thank you very much for always leading the discussion and all contribution, Pierre.

Best Regards,

2021/04/30 2:33 に、"Lorenzo, Christopher" <<>> を書き込みました:


Really excited and humbled to be a part of the group. Looking forward to getting to know everyone.

Chris Lorenzo

From: Francois Daoust <>
Date: Thursday, April 29, 2021 at 11:46 AM
To: <>
Cc: Lorenzo, Christopher <>, 'Pierre-Anthony Lemieux' <>
Subject: Change of chair - was (Re: Media & Entertainment Interest Group Charter Extended until 2021-05-31)
Also, please note the change of chairs!

Pierre is stepping down as co-chair of the Interest Group. He should not
go far though: the IG has been discussing the need to improve support
for color on the web for some time now, and Pierre continues to chair
the Color on the Web Community Group where technical issues and
solutions are now being actively discussed (the group has recurring
meetings on Monday 21:00-22:30 UTC every two weeks, last one on April
26). If you haven't done so already, please consider joining the
Community Group and the discussions:;!!CQl3mcHX2A!XVfEryW-FBm6JQ1lJBy4ct_okFrz_rkQvTZmxeTxvU3JFp4Tpl-tvqZBUBdc8NjA05KAMt9u-w$<;!!CQl3mcHX2A!XVfEryW-FBm6JQ1lJBy4ct_okFrz_rkQvTZmxeTxvU3JFp4Tpl-tvqZBUBdc8NjA05KAMt9u-w$>

I am happy to report that Christopher Lorenzo (Comcast) has agreed to
step up as co-chair of the IG. Welcome, Chris!


------ Original message ------
From: "xueyuan" <>
Date: 29/04/2021 15:49:35

>Dear members of the Media & Entertainment Interest Group,
>I'm relaying the announcement to the group's primary public mailing
>list to notify the group of its charter extension.
>Best regards,
>Xueyuan Jia, W3C Marketing & Communications
>-------- Forwarded Message --------
>Subject: VOTE by 2021-05-28/29: Proposed Charter for the Media &
>Entertainment Interest Group; Current Charter Extended; Change of
>Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2021 21:17:02 +0800
>From: xueyuan <> <>
>Dear Advisory Committee Representative,
>This is a Call for Review of a proposed recharter for the Media &
>Entertainment Interest Group:
>The deadline for responses is 03:59 UTC on 29 May 2021 (23:59, Eastern
>time on 28 May) [0].
>The group's current charter [1] is extended until 31 May to accommodate
>the charter review period.
>The mission of the Media and Entertainment Interest Group is to provide
>a forum for media-related technical discussions to track progress of
>media features on the Web within W3C groups and use of Web technologies
>by external organizations, and to identify use cases and requirements
>that existing and/or new specifications need to meet to achieve a
>tighter support of media services on the Web.
>The proposed scope for the Interest Group remains unchanged, covering
>Web technologies used in the end-to-end pipeline — including capture,
>production, distribution and consumption — of continuous experiences
>(videos, sound recordings, associated technologies such as timed text,
>and input/output mechanisms used to engage users).
>A diff from the current charter is available [2].
>Additionally, W3C is pleased to appoint Christopher Lorenzo (Comcast)
>as new co-Chair of the Media & Entertainment Interest Group.
>Pierre-Anthony Lemieux (MovieLabs) is stepping down to focus on
>chairing the Color on the Web Community Group and his continued
>participation in the Timed Text Working Group.
>W3C thanks Pierre for his work on the Interest Group, and welcomes
>Christopher in this new role. Christopher joins continuing co-Chairs
>Tatsuya Igarashi (Sony) and Chris Needham (BBC).
>If you have any questions or need further information, please contact
>Kazuyuki Ashimura <> <>, Team
>Contact for the Media & Entertainment Interest Group.
>For more information about the group and participation, see its home
>page [3].
>This charter review, extension, and chair announcement follow sections
>5.1, 5.2.3 and 5.2.5 of the W3C Process Document [4][5][6].
>Thank you,
>For Tim Berners-Lee, W3C Director,
>Kazuyuki Ashimura, Media & Entertainment IG Team Contact;
>Xueyuan Jia, Marketing & Communications

Received on Monday, 10 May 2021 01:38:21 UTC