Confirmed Event: Media Timed Events / WICG DataCue monthly call

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 Media Timed Events / WICG DataCue monthly call Confirmed 


  28 June 2021, 16:00  - 17:00 Europe/London 



 [  Media and Entertainment Interest Group ]( "Media and Entertainment Interest Group Calendar") 

This is a Web Platform Incubator Community Group meeting organized by the Media & Entertainment Interest Group

Please join WICG here: <>

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- Event message equivalency rules <>
- Event message boxes and MSE SourceBuffer range removal <>
- Mapping event message boxes to the media timeline <>

Joining Instructions

  Instructions are restricted to meeting participants.

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### Groups

- [Media and Entertainment Interest Group]( ([  View Calendar](


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Received on Monday, 21 June 2021 13:35:55 UTC