PNG Working Group charter review

Hi all,

W3C have just announced a proposed PNG Working Group. This is a new Working Group, chartered to maintain and develop the Portable Network Graphics (PNG) specification.

In addition to handling previously reported errata, a new feature for support for HDR imagery to the PNG format is expected to be added. Also, the existing and widely implemented Animated PNG extensions, which were not part of the formal specification, are expected to be added.

This is an important part of enabling HDR content on the web.

The review is open until 19 August. For W3C members, please ask you AC rep to review and support or send feedback on the charter.

If you have any questions or need further information, please contact Chris Lilley, at<>.

Many thanks,

Chris (for the MEIG co-chairs)

Received on Tuesday, 20 July 2021 18:36:08 UTC