W3C/SMPTE Workshop on Professional Media Production on the Web

Hi all,

W3C and SMPTE have just announced an upcoming workshop on Professional Media Production on the Web.

   W3C/SMPTE Workshop on Professional Media Production on the Web
   9-18 November 2021, Virtual Event

Professional media assets, including audio-visual masters for television and motion pictures, are increasingly being stored in the cloud. The workshop will connect the web platform and the professional media production communities and explore evolutions of the Web platform to address professional media production requirements.

This follows discussions we've had in the Interest Group at TPAC 2019, then at the February 2021 MEIG meeting:


This joint W3C/SMPTE event will be organized as a combination of pre-recorded talks followed by online discussions on GitHub, and culminating in a series of live sessions in November 2021.

Please see the workshop web page for details of proposed topics: https://www.w3.org/2021/03/media-production-workshop/

I'd like to invite you to consider submitting a presentation. Details are here: https://www.w3.org/2021/03/media-production-workshop/speakers.html

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Pierre, Francois, or myself, or you can reach the Programme Committee at group-media-production-pc@w3.org<mailto:group-media-production-pc@w3.org>.

Many thanks,


Received on Wednesday, 25 August 2021 16:03:23 UTC