W3C M&E IG conference call: Client Side Video Editing

When: 02 June 2020 15:00-16:00. (UTC) Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London
Where: Webex


Dear all,

The next Media & Entertainment Interest Group conference call will be on Tuesday 2nd June.

The main topic for this call will be Client Side Video Editing, an API proposal in the Web Platform Incubator CG. Joining us to present and discuss the proposal will be Yash Khandelwal, Steve Becker, and Harneet Sidhana from Microsoft.


"Currently editing video within the browser is a very complex task as there isn't any straight forward approach to decoding the encoded video file to produce a raw stream that can do common video editing capabilities such as trimming or concatenation."

# Agenda

- Welcome and AOB [5 minutes]

- Client Side Video Editing [45 minutes]
  - Use cases and API shape
  - Q&A and discussion
  - Relationship with MEIG's Media production use cases activity

- Status updates on other MEIG topics [10 minutes]
  - Web Media Integration Guidelines
  - Bullet Chatting
  - TPAC planning

# Date and time

Tuesday, June 2, 2020
10:00 am | EDT (New York, GMT-04:00) | 1 hour


# Connection details

https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-web-and-tv/2018Sep/0001.html (member-only link)

Kind regards,

Chris (Co-chair, W3C Media & Entertainment Interest Group)

Received on Thursday, 28 May 2020 14:12:27 UTC