Re: [media-and-entertainment] Frame accurate seeking of HTML5 MediaElement (#4)

Thanks for the extra analysis @Laurian . I suspect you're right that MP3 is a particular offender, but we should not focus on one format specifically, but on the more general problem that for some media encodings it can be difficult to seek accurately, and look for a solution that might work more widely. 

Typically I think implementers have gone down the route of finding some detailed specifications of media types that work for their particular application. In the web context it seems to me that we need something that would work widely. The two approaches I can think of so far that might work are:

1. Categorise the available media types as "accurately seekable" and "not accurately seekable" and have something help scripts discover which one they have at runtime, depending on UA capabilities, so they can take some appropriate action.
2. Add a new interface that requests UAs to pre-process media in advance in preparation for accurate seeking, even if that is a costly operation. This seems better to me than an API for "no really please do seek accurately to this time" because that would have an arbitrary performance penalty that would be hard to predict, so not great for editing applications if performance is desirable.

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Received on Thursday, 14 May 2020 13:13:39 UTC