W3C M&E IG conference call

When: 04 August 2020 15:00-16:00. (UTC) Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London
Where: Webex


Dear all,

The next Media & Entertainment Interest Group conference call will be on Tuesday 4th August.

This meeting will follow up on a few topics from previous calls.

* Media Integration Guidelines: We now have a dedicated GitHub repository to draft the document, with a number of open issues, and some initial feedback from the Chrome team.

* Web Codecs: In June's call we heard about Microsoft's proposal for a client-side video-editing API, and in July we discussed Web Codecs. What follow up actions should our group take? What use cases do we have, and can we evaluate the proposed APIs?

(Please see Resources section below in this email for links to relevant documents and discussions.)

# Agenda

- Welcome and AOB [5 minutes]
- Web of Things media use cases [5 minutes]
- TPAC plans [5 minutes]
- Media Integration Guidelines [20 minutes]
- Web Codecs [25 minutes]

# Date and time

Tuesday, August 4, 2020 at 14:00 UTC


# Connection details

https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-web-and-tv/2018Sep/0001.html (member-only link)

# Resources

Media Integration Guidelines repo

Media Integration Guidelines issues

Client-side video editing explainer

Client-side video editing TAG review

Client-side video editing blink-dev Intent to Prototype thread

M&E IG Minutes on client-side video editing

Web Codecs explainer

M&E IG Web Codecs tracking issue

Web Codecs API draft

M&E IG Minutes on Web Codecs

Kind regards,

Chris (Co-chair, W3C Media & Entertainment Interest Group)

Received on Wednesday, 29 July 2020 13:39:17 UTC