A perspective on Media & Entertainment for the Web

Hi all,

Since TPAC last year, the Media & Entertainment has discussed a number of topics that touched on on-going activities here or elsewhere, or on updates to existing technologies. I thought it might also be useful to take a step back, sketch a global picture of the Media & Entertainment industry, and try to look further in the future to identify new requirements that could perhaps lead to new technologies, in anticipation of the IG's upcoming meeting at TPAC.

With that in mind, I drafted a perspective document for Media & Entertainment on the Web, visible at:


The document attempts to:
- define useful terms to scope Media & Entertainment;
- provide an overview of the Media & Entertainment industry;
- describe the current status of Media & Entertainment on the Web;
- present ongoing trends and how they affect existing technologies;
- imagine what the next big thing could be for Media & Entertainment, and derive preliminary high-level requirements.

Work on this document triggered a number of questions on my end, which I hope the IG might help answer, including:
1. Do people here recognize themselves in the scope that the document suggests? In essence, most IG discussions have focused on pure media scenarios. The document adds more entertainment-based scenarios to the mix. Is that good?
2. Do trends presented in the document manage to capture reality? Some trends may be missing. Others would perhaps best be presented differently.
3. Does the convergence described in the "Next Big Thing" section look good? Is it too broad? Too far in the future? Far-fetched? Totally disconnected from reality? Should multiple directions be considered?
4. Is such a document useful to identify new requirements? Does it oversimplify the space and provides a biased or useless view of the Media & Entertainment industry? Is it a waste of time?

I'd like to provide that document as input to the "open discussion on new media web platform requirements" during TPAC's meeting next month, along with an open question to the group: would the IG be willing to adopt the document, adjust its contents as it sees fit (which may mean changing everything), and publish it as an IG Note to create a broader perspective on Media & Entertainment?

Feedback welcome, in response to this email, as a GitHub issue against the document, or feel free to reach out to me directly.


Received on Thursday, 20 September 2018 12:50:53 UTC