Re: [media-and-entertainment] Frame accurate seeking of HTML5 MediaElement

@tidoust our current experience is that the user has a skip ahead / skip back X seconds control. When they pause that changes to a frame forward / frame back control. So we're definitely looking at usecase #1. And if you're going for playback at something like 1/10 of normal speed (or 3-6 fps) you can pretty easily pull that off in JS if you have a way of progressing to the next frame or previous frame. This use case feel like it should be easily doable, although I think it'll be interesting if we can do it in a way that enables other use cases as well.

@dholroyd we've definitely seen some of these off by a single frame issues in our redaction setup. Would be great if there was a better way of identifying and linking between a web client and a backend process manipulating the video. I believe one of the keys for the editing style use case is that while we want playback to be as accurate as possible, the key is that when paused it needs to be exactly accurate.

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Received on Thursday, 21 June 2018 18:34:39 UTC