Re: [media-and-entertainment] Frame accurate seeking of HTML5 MediaElement

> 1) is chosen, a lot more complexity is moved to a very tight loop that's frankly busy with more important stuff.

@Snarkdoof is it really busy with more important stuff? Really?

> 2: Put the "sequencer" logic in JS and trigger events 

Browsers only give a single thread for event handling and JS, right? So adding _more code_ to run in that thread doesn't really help address contention issues.

> cuechange also has a lot of other annoying issues, like not trigging when as skip event occurs

The spec is explicit that it is supposed to trigger in this circumstance. Is this a spec vs implementation-in-the-real-world issue?

I have the sense that we haven't got good data about how busy current CPUs are handling events during media playback in a browser, with subtitles alongside. The strongest *requirements statement* we can make is that we do want to achieve adequate synchronisation (whatever "adequate" is defined as) with minimal additional resource usage.

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Received on Monday, 18 June 2018 14:43:54 UTC