Re: Overview of Media Technologies for the Web

Hi Chris, all,

Le 29/09/2017 à 16:49, Chris Needham a écrit :
> Hi Francois, all,
> Some comments inline below:
>> From: Francois Daoust []
>> Sent: 28 September 2017 10:22
>> To:
>> Subject: Overview of Media Technologies for the Web
>> Dear Media and Entertainment Interest Group,
>> I have been working on an "Overview of Media Technologies for the Web"
>> document that lists Web technologies that can be used to build media
>> applications and services, and highlights known gaps:
>> [...]
>> This overview should not be considered as anything else than work in progress
>> right now. Some technologies are probably missing, descriptions should be
>> improved. I wanted to share this document with you for two reasons:
>> 1. to invite feedback on the document (look and feel, usefulness, structure,
>> content, etc.).
>> 2. to check whether the Media and Entertainment Interest Group would be
>> interested to adopt this document as working document.
> This looks like a very useful resource. I'd be more than happy to review, and help with keeping it up to date.
> I would also like to invite and encourage Interest Group members to contribute feedback.
>> In particular, the current charter of the Interest Group says that the group
>> will "maintain a public list of the media features on the Web that it is
>> tracking and investigating. These features will include identified gaps,
>> stable features deployed in browser implementations, as well as features
>> under development in W3C and external groups":
>> I'm wondering whether the Overview document could provide a good basis for
>> that list, and a good working document to structure discussions within the
>> group.
> The website seems to serve that purpose well, so yes I think it could. One question, both for you, and also to IG members: would this be an appropriate place for us to capture new requirements, e.g., coming out of any new gap analysis work, where we would usually have used the IG wiki [1]?

I think the main problem with any document that captures the state of 
the art and requirements for possible future work is accuracy over time, 
especially if the document is assembled from other sources. So it makes 
total sense to me to use this document to capture new areas of work that 
the IG believes is worth exploring.

That's the reason why we tried to keep the content as simple as 
possible, with one paragraph per spec/feature, isolated from the rest.

I note precise requirements, à la "The user agent MUST provide a way 
to..." will probably not fit in that document though, as they would be 
too detailed for it.

>> If people are interested, I'll be happy to present that document during one
>> of the IG calls as well as during the group's F2F during TPAC.
> We're currently planning the TPAC agenda so it would be good to include an item on this. A future IG call is certainly possible too.

Great, thanks!


>> This document is intended to be lightweight to maintain and complete over
>> time. It is part of a series of roadmap-like documents, developed with a
>> common framework. The framework takes care of adding implementation data for
>> each feature/technology listed in the document, and of providing means for
>> users to navigate between pages. The framework is still very sketchy for the
>> time being, but will be maintained and improved by W3C team over time.
>> You'll find more information about the ins and outs of such documents in:
>> Feel free to raise comments on the associated issue tracker:
>> (replies to this email are of course welcome as well)
>> Thanks,
>> Francois.
> Many thanks,
> Chris (Co-chair, Media and Entertainment Interest Group)
> [1]

Received on Monday, 2 October 2017 09:24:51 UTC